College applications often appear daunting to many Indian Hills students, as the tedious process plays a substantial role in a student’s academic career and future occupation. With this stressor in mind, Drumbeats has composed a college guide for each issue encompassing information and advice to prepare students for college.
For current seniors, October and November mark the finalization of applications and tracking deadlines for various colleges. Sofia Hasan, a current senior, recommends that students “make sure [they] can visualize [themself] attending” the colleges that students are applying to. Mrs. Robinson, the supervisor of school counseling at Indian Hills, additionally encouraged students to attend the “RIH College Panel on October 23rd at Ramapo High School” for additional help, though counselors are always available for assistance. During the application process, seniors are encouraged to formalize a plan for scholarships and financial aid with their parents. With senior year being the last year of high school, College Board emphasizes the importance of seniors being “at their best academically in this final year of high school” while maintaining engagement with activities in their communities.
For current juniors at Indian Hills, remaining organized and maintaining a high academic standard is crucial to strengthening grades and increasing weighted GPAs before senior year. In October, juniors are recommended to “try their best on the PSAT/NMSQT as they are eligible for National Merit Scholarships based on their PSAT performance” according to Collegeboard. Qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship is a substantial application booster for the college application process. Parallel to seniors, juniors were advised to attend the RIH College Panel on October 23rd to learn about what colleges are looking for in their review of applications. Juniors are encouraged to utilize Naviance regularly to organize colleges of interest and attend college visits at Indian Hills.
Sophomores are recommended to reflect on effective and ineffective study strategies from freshman year to excel the following year of high school. Now adapted to high school, sophomores are encouraged to challenge themselves by taking honors-level courses and seeking additional support from teachers or an NHS tutor if needed. Joining more clubs or focusing on acquiring a leadership position in extracurricular activities further displays commitment and consistency in college resumes.
Freshmen are encouraged to reflect on academic progress to smoothly transition into high school. Smoothly transitioning includes participating in clubs of interest, volunteering over the summer, and figuring out study strategies for core classes. With the PSAT 9 being offered at Indian Hills in October of 2023, Mrs. Robinson encourages freshmen to try their best to grasp an idea of potential improvement before taking the PSAT and SAT.
With the stresses of college applications lingering in many students’ minds, following the advice given by Mrs. Robinson and College Board will aid students in grasping an idea of current objectives to fulfill each month for college. Angelina Zeledon, a senior, recommends that having “a list of colleges early helps so much in the long run and to start it in junior year”. Starting a college list early allows students to prepare for college while removing a magnitude of stress from senior year.