Amidst the stress of homework, tests, and projects, Seeing Eye Dogs, an organization...

This year, Indian Hills students were offered a new opportunity to work at polls...

Indian Hills’ beloved Mr. Michels believes that it is finally time to hang...
The Balkan region, known for its fascinating history, diverse cultures, and...
December 6, 2024
Matt Pra, Contributing Writer ’26

On December 5th through 7th, the Indian Hills Theater Company (IHTC) performed its rendition of the play John Lennon & Me, written by Cherie Bennett. The talented cast and...

After both soccer programs had extensive and successful seasons this fall, making...

Indian Hills has participated in this wide-span tradition of powderpuff football...

Block scheduling has become a hot topic in the RIH District following a presentation...
Advanced Placement classes, also known as AP classes, are the highest level...