The Indian Hills Community reigns in new changes throughout the school cafeteria–the newest addition being state-of-the-art lunch tables. The days of big, round, blue lunch tables with separate chairs are seemingly on the outs as of now. Students across grade levels have mixed opinions about the current change made by the Administration. Feedback is generally optimistic about the proactive move to cleaner and a more concise cafeteria shortly, however, the negative reviews are still equally understandable.
Sixty-five percent of Indian Hills students voted that they preferred the newly integrated chair and table setup. Sophomore, Andrew Jabaly, said, “I like how the new lunch tables are cleaner and how there aren’t chairs all over the lunch room. It’s also nice seeing lunch tables that aren’t scuffed up from years of use. Great improvement!” This comment harkens back to the seemingly dozens of tossed and scattered lunch table chairs witnessed daily. While this action seems representative of the non-adherence to Brave values, there is no solution other than this. Students communicate, “I hope that they can change all the tables into the updated ones because I really like the new chairs and the bench-like setup”. This specific setup is an enhanced solution, even at middle schools across the district. Students “…like being able to have back support and [having] more room.” This positive feedback comes after the Administration has taken a hands-on approach to implementing changes in the Indian Hills community. Students acquiesce that the school community is improved by recent changes. Senior, Kimberly Lazzara, articulated, “The new tables improve the atmosphere of the school. It reminds us that we are Braves!” The majority of students appreciate the attempts by the Administration to invest in the validity of the social experience of students.
On the opposing side, 35% of students acknowledge the previous lunch seating options as the more approved alternative. Sophomore, Sebastian Holland, described their opinion, “The new lunch tables are really clunky and unnecessary. The new tables also feel slippery which makes me prefer the old lunch tables”. The texture of the tables has caused some students to complain, however, no action has been taken to notify anyone in an effective position to institute change. Senior, Alexandra Mazur, explained, “The new tables have a) no backs for the seats, which is annoying, and b) limit the number of people at a table more than before. Not sure why they needed to change in the first place.” This comment illustrates a common thread between those with negative attitudes towards the new tables, freshman Abi Post said, “The new ones have no backs and make it hard to sit.” The support for students at the lunch tables may be a nice feature of the old system, however, it is not essential. However, Junior, Mikayla Amorouso, explained her support for the old tables, “I like being able to have back support, and there is more room.” The room at the new tables is a matter of concern for many students who value a large gathering of friends and classmates.
A considerable number of students have expressed their feelings being neither for nor against the lunchroom change. Sophomore, Samantha Goworek, stated, “They look a lot nicer than the old tables although they are a little smaller.” Students value their time together during lunch periods or study halls, as it creates lifelong connections and a time for hard-working brains to rest in between rigorous classes. Sophomore, Charlotte Manning, said, “The benches are just harder to get out of than chairs are, but I don’t mind them too much overall.” It is believed that these neutral opinions represent the majority of the Indian Hills students who do not have strong opinions either way.
The recent changes conducted by the School Administration to improve small portions of our school are important clues to better understanding the community environment. When the Admin takes an active, purposeful role in our lives, we all benefit. Students may have mixed opinions, but the changes have been welcomed by a vast majority. Our student body appreciates the efforts taken by pivotal individuals to accept student opinions and implement positive changes.